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Keeping It Civil S2 Ep1: Designing the Perfect International Tax System

In the first of the Hassans' Keeping It Civil podcast series for 2024,  host Selwyn Figueras welcomes International Tax Bites podcasters, Grahame Jackson, Tax Partner at Hassans and Harriet Brown to discuss the launch of the duos recent mini-series, “Designing the Perfect Tax System”

The 10-part series, topped and tailed with an introduction and a round up, welcomes the great and good of the international tax world, kicking off with Dan Neidle, investigate journalist and ex-Clifford Chance UK Tax Partner.  Over the course of the next few weeks, ITB will be publishing further episodes with the likes of Daniel Bunn, Thornton Matheson, Sam Mitha, Paul Eastwood, Carlos Protto and Peter Dietsch. 

The KIC podcast provide listeners with an excellent snapshot of the fascinating discussions had with key tax professional from around the globe. 

Take a listen here on Spotify or any other good podcast provider. 



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