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Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Hassans, together with Line Group Limited, offers the full range of accounting services, providing our clients with the accounting support they need.  The team at Hassans/Line Group, consisting of UK-qualified Chartered Accountants, offer services to companies, trusts, foundations and all other forms of incorporated entities established in Gibraltar. We also offer personal account services as part of our suite of services.  As set out below, we are able to offer services ranging from bookkeeping and management accounting, to financial analytics, planning, audit assistance and the filing of returns in accordance with relevant statutory requirements.


  • Bookkeeping & Management Accounting
  • Statutory Accounting and Preparation of Financial Statements, filing of tax returns, corporate and personal – find out more here
  • Payroll Services – click here to find out more
  • Audit Advisory
  • Maintaining Cash Books
  • Insolvency/Voluntary Liquidations – find out more here
  • Tax – find out more here
  • Outsourcing of Accounting Services
  • Gibraltar Startup Accounting Services Package
  • Gibraltar Family Office Accounting Services Package
  • Accounting Technology Advisory

Contact us today to find out more or visit the Line Group Website.

Accounting Services Team

Kathy Adamberry

Accounting Services Leader

Stuart Crawford-Smith

Senior Manager - Accounting Services

Emily Thurman

Manager - Accounting Services

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