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Hassans' Environment Prize Podcast Trilogy. Part One: Coral Restoration in Gibraltar Waters with University of Gibraltar.

Just over 6 months on from the awarding ceremony of the inaugural Hassans’ Environment Prize, where a total of £16k was allocated to University of Gibraltar, Gibraltar College and Bayside Comprehensive School for their proposed projects, we were delighted to catch up with representatives from each entity on their progress to date.

A trilogy of three short podcasts, we were thrilled to learn about the results and learning that the Prize has already contributed to amongst Gibraltar’s youth, led by incredibly inspiring leaders at each of the academic institutions.

First to join Senior Associate and project lead, Tania Rahmany, in our trilogy of podcasts, is Dr Awantha Dissanayake and Masters’ Student Viviane Wiedecke from the School of Marine and Environmental Science at the University of Gibraltar.

The project focuses on coral restoration within Gibraltar waters and is aimed at engaging the whole community in being able to monitor, both via dives and via digital technology, the status of Astroides calycularis through the installation of specific tools such as coral frames which will encourage growth. The community will also be given the opportunity to “adopt-a-coral”, so that they can support and even perhaps enjoy seeing the growth of new marine life for themselves.

Please do listen to this short podcast which explains more about where the coral is being nurtured, what progress has been made to date, what the next stages are and how you can get involved. 

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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