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Hassans’ Grahame Jackson awarded an Advanced Diploma in International Taxation

Grahame Jackson, Tax Partner at Hassans, was recently awarded an Advanced Diploma in International Taxation (“ADIT”) by the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

The ADIT is a highly respected international qualification which is awarded by the Chartered Institute of Taxation. Students have been enrolling for the ADIT since 2003 and there are now 1200 graduates worldwide. Including Grahame, there are currently only two ADIT qualified individuals in Gibraltar. The syllabus focuses on international taxation and contains three elements, the principles of international taxation (compulsory), a thematic module and a country-specific module.

Grahame Jackson commented on the award:

“It is particularly timely for tax professionals in Gibraltar to be engaged in continuing professional development of this nature. Set against a backdrop of recently concluded tax treaties, and the Government’s continued engagement in discussions to conclude further ones, understanding the operation and practical application of these arrangements and the local legal consequences is now something of a professional imperative for advisers in this field. I’m delighted to have successfully completed the programme and would like to thank Hassans for their support during this time.  I also wish to take the opportunity of wishing the four current Gibraltarian ADIT students all the best in their studies.”

Grahame joined Line Management Service Limited (now known as Line Group Limited), Hassans’ associated fiduciary firm in 2002, as a company administrator with no previous legal experience and a background in the graphical trades. Since then he has had a number of roles in the firm. The firm is proud to acknowledge his hard work taking an alternative route to becoming first a solicitor and then a leading member of the tax advisory community in Gibraltar.

Senior Partner, James Levy QC, commented:

“As a key member of Hassans’ team of tax experts unrivalled in the jurisdiction, Grahame’s completion of this programme helps to further improve the service we provide to our international network of clients and partners. As ever, I am delighted that the firm continues to develop its strength and expertise across the full range of legal professional services in Gibraltar. Hassans is proud to be able to support those of our team who apply themselves beyond the limit of their day to day legal practice. Balancing the demands of a busy practice with the work associated with the ADIT is no mean feat and I therefore congratulate him wholeheartedly on his excellent achievement. His direct and no-nonsense approach is refreshing in this day and age and offers our clients clarity and commerciality”.


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