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Hassans welcomes four new trainee lawyers.

Hassans is proud to welcome four new trainee lawyers to its 2021-23 training programme.

Joseanne Bear Jerome Compson graduated in Business and Marketing from the Manchester Metropolitan University and completed a Graduate Diploma in Law at The University of Law, Michael Garson completed the Graduate Diploma in Law at BPP followed by the LPC at the University of Law and Samuel Marrache graduated with First Class Hons. at University College London (UCL) before completing the BPC LLM with a distinction.

graduated with a First Class law degree from the University of Sheffield and completed the BPTC at City University London, 

The four trainees will work across various key sectors and practice areas to build experience and develop their skills before deciding which area of law they will specialise in at the end of the two-year programme.

James Levy QC, Senior Partner, commented:

“The programme our trainees follow allows them to develop into well-rounded lawyers of tomorrow.

Being a great lawyer isn’t about just providing great advice, it’s also about learning to understand your clients, identify opportunities or challenges that they may not have considered, to provide support above and beyond the immediate task at hand.

Lawyers need to be excellent listeners, as well as communicators. The training our latest intake will receive, and the experience they will receive from shadowing seasoned lawyers, will allow them to become trusted advisors, not only excellent lawyers, and we wish them all a happy and lengthy career.”

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, added:

“We extend a warm welcome to our latest cohort of trainees. Over the next two years, as part of our training programme, they will hone their skills and acquire invaluable experience.  We look forward to watching them thrive amongst the many highly skilled professionals at Hassans, and help us continue to offer an unparalleled level of client service.”


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