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Silver linings: The strength of Gibraltar’s legislation.

A comprehensive overview on the Gibraltar funds industry was recently published by Hedgeweek. 

My two-pennies worth (Pages 8-9) looks at the strength of Gibraltar’s crypto funds regulation and how clients assets are segregated and protected; writing policies on the custody of assets has been a critical part of Hassans’ work in guiding crypto fund managers when setting up new funds in Gibraltar. 

I specifically talk about the nuances when dealing with crypto native funds - where the individual running the funds has a crypto background rather than a foundation in the financial industry itself - who often prefer to tread very carefully before making decisions. 

The regulation part of setting up a fund really isn’t very onerous and without it you are potentially hampering your growth in the future so please do take a read and get in contact if we can help.

...the fall of FTX helped highlight the rigour of Gibraltar’s legislation around the way client assets are segregated and protected.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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