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Gambling Insider: How Brexit has affected Gibraltar as a gaming jurisdiction.

In the latest edition of this month’s Gambling Insider, the regular feature “The Big Question” is focused on how Brexit has affected Gibraltar as a gaming jurisdiction.

Hassans' Head of Gaming Peter Montegriffo QC, Paul Foster (CEO, GBGA), Ed Allison-Wright (Director, World Trade Center), Andrew Lyman (Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner) and Daniel Hook (Director of Enterprise, Gibtelecom) were happy to provide responses from their various perspectives which respectively considered legal and regulatory matters, real estate, licensing, telecoms and infrastructure. Peter highlighted that the post-Brexit scenario for Gibraltar will open up very significant opportunities for gaming (and other e-commerce related) companies with the main attractions of Gibraltar remaining:

  • First tier licensing and regulatory framework, robust yet with a regulator who is acknowledged to be accessible and pragmatic.

  • Competitive business environment with a highly skilled workforce familiar with the industry.

  • Strong rule of law.

  • A government fully supportive of innovation and entrepreneurship, whilst committed to maintaining Gibraltar’s international reputation, including ensuring the highest standards of responsible gambling

and that this regime will be significantly enhanced as a result of new proposed EU Schengen arrangements post-Brexit.

He continued that the positive outlook for the period ahead will also be strengthened by a series of reforms to Gibraltar’s gambling legislation which will modernise various aspects of the licensing regime, all designed to keep Gibraltar a premier jurisdiction committed to attracting entrepreneurship and quality business.

You can read Peter’s full response, along with those of the other key players from within the Gibraltar gaming industry, from Page 20 in the latest MARCH/APRIL edition here:

The positive outlook for the period ahead will also be strengthened by a series of reforms to Gibraltar’s gambling legislation which will modernise various aspects of the licensing regime, all designed to keep Gibraltar a premier jurisdiction committed to attracting entrepreneurship and quality business.

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