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Bitesize Tax Ep5 - Accrued and Derived

Today was the fifth in my series of the Hassans' Bitesize Tax Sessions. 73 professionals attended and thank you to them for their support.

By the magic of You Tube; for those that could not make it to my seminar today 
here is the recording of session.

"Accrued in and Derived from" is the most frequently discussed five word phrase in Gibraltar Tax. We share this phrase with many of our Commonwealth cousins and particularly with #HongKong and draw on many #HK cases for our underpinning concepts. #Gibraltar is part of this worldwide tradition and doing business here means that you will benefit from a well supported legal framework.

Here I discuss the origin, meaning and application in practical terms of those five words.  Please take time to take a look if you couldn't attend. if you would like to be included on the invite list for further sessions please register 

#tax #finance #Gibraltar #accruedandderived #Hassans #ITA2010 #internationaltax

"Accrued in and Derived from" are the most frequently discussed five word phrase in Gibraltar Tax sharing this phrase with many of our Commonwealth cousins...doing business here means that you will benefit from a well supported legal framework.

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Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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