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5 fun facts about our offices in Midtown

Easily likened to a high rise building in the City of London, our stylish yet distinguished offices are a stone throw's away from Gibraltar’s bustling Main Street. Now that we are all settled into the top 6 floors of Madison Building, Midtown, we thought it would be nice to share some fun facts about our offices.

  1. Our offices are built on reclaimed land. The Government of Gibraltar created the land at the beginning of the 20th Century by filling in part of the sea. Reclaimed land currently comprises approximately one tenth of Gibraltar’s total area.
  2. Midtown is surrounded by rich history.  Boardrooms 1 & 14 provide a bird’s eye view of King’s Bastion which was the most important defensive position in the Rock’s westerly defences. It became the command post during the attacks of the Franco-Spanish floating batteries on 13th September 1782. The City Walls, which were planned, designed and constructed by 3 empires, connects to King’s Bastion. Look left when leaving our offices to see this historic wall or cross the park to enter King’s Bastion where you can enjoy leisure facilities, including a cinema, bowling alley, and ice-skating rink.
  3. Our roof terrace offers panoramic views of 2 continents and 3 countries. Located on the 12th Floor and surrounded by clear glass, it has one of the best views of the bay of Gibraltar and the Rock.
  4. Boardroom 1 can accommodate 200 people. We have hosted numerous events in this boardroom with delicious snacks made by our in-house culinary staff. We also offer our clients (arguably) the best coffee around.
  5. We share Madison Building with a diverse group of businesses. These include companies operating in a variety of industries, including crypto/ DLT, property investment, insurance and payment solutions.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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