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Hassans launches Music for Schools bursary

Hassans has today announced that it will be supporting Gibraltar’s children in providing schools with additional funding to purchase musical instruments, in order to enhance pupils’ interest in music, and potentially unlock hidden talent.

Hassans has worked closely with the Department of Education to identify which education tier within the local schooling system would benefit most from Hassans’ support.  After due deliberation, the decision was taken to currently focus upon Gibraltar’s Middle schools. The schools benefitting from the music initiative this academic year will be St Joseph’s Middle School, the Hebrew Primary School and St Anne’s Middle School.

The head teachers of each school, Terence Ocaña at St Josephs, Rob Lomax at the Hebrew Primary School and Pat Duarte at St Anne’s, along with two of St Anne’s head children, Ella Cruz and Paddy McClafferty (both in Yr7), were presented with their cheques on Thursday 13th October by Hassans’ Partner, Nyreen Llamas. Each school received £1500 to purchase instruments of their choice.  Steel pans, ukuleles, marimbas, glockenspiels, flutes, xylophones and drums were all on the children’s wish lists.

James Levy, Senior Partner, at Hassans commented:

“Music has no academic boundary and can be a wonderful therapy. With the growing stress that today’s school children often experience, music is a magnificent tool in helping focus whilst relieving tensions. We already have a considerable pool of many wonderful musicians in Gibraltar and it would be fantastic if we can help to contribute to this positively, encouraging musical talent amongst our young, or simply allowing more children to benefit from the greater wellbeing that music brings.”

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, continued:

“Hassans have actively supported the music scene, in various forms, in Gibraltar for many years. For example, we support GAMPA, specifically providing a bursary to their Young Musician of the Year, the Gibraltar Philharmonic Orchestra and the Gibraltar National Choir. We also support non-classical and international music events that take place here in Gibraltar including the Gibraltar Music Festival, Gibraltar World Music Festival and the Gibraltar Live Music Society.”

Hassans will once again be inviting applications from schools towards the end of the 16/17 academic year, as part of its ongoing commitment to help schools fund their musical resources and provide a greater reach to their students. All applications will be managed via the Department of Education and should be addressed to Lionel Gomez.


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