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Hassans to welcome MWG2019 delegates as silver sponsor of the major new biennial event for Gibraltar

The Gibraltar Port Authority and Petrospot, together with HM Government of Gibraltar, Gibraltar Maritime Administration and other stakeholders, have joined forces to create the inaugural Maritime Week Gibraltar (MWG2019), a major new biennial event.

Hassans are delighted to be a silver sponsor of the event, which is designed to reinforce Gibraltar’s status as the Mediterranean’s premier bunkering hub as well as highlighting the maritime expertise and facilities available locally, including legal and financial services.

The conference, held between Monday 24th June and Friday 28th June at the Sunborn Hotel, expects to attract c. 250 delegates from all sectors of the global shipping community. The conference aims to address the major issues in the international shipping and maritime industries and create a global forum for networking and developing important new trading relationships.

As part of the event programme, Hassans will be hosting a breakfast on Thursday 27th June on the 12th floor of their landmark offices in the heart of Gibraltar. Located in the Madison Building, Midtown, guests will enjoy panoramic views of Straits and the opportunity to network with local relevant contacts.

Lewis Baglietto QC, Head of Shipping at Hassans, commented:

“We’re delighted that this week-long event will be showcasing what Gibraltar’s thriving maritime sector has to offer, over and above its world-renowned bunkering facilities.

Our lawyers from the Hassans’ shipping team, and other relevant Hassans’ departments, are very much look forward to welcoming those visiting Gibraltar at our breakfast on Thursday 27th June, providing them with the opportunity to take a short break from the conference venue, enjoy the view, and meet some new faces, some of which may not be able to join the main conference.”

If any local contacts are interested in attending the Hassans Maritime breakfast to connect with the MWG2019 delegates, please contact in the first instance who will provide more details regarding registration.

For more details on MWG2019 please visit

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