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Hassans appoints ex-PwC partner to provide international advisory services

Hassans has announced today that it is appointing Mark Okes-Voysey, an ex-PwC partner, to provide international business consultancy services to both the firm and its clients.

Mark worked for PwC for nearly 30 years advising clients in over 30 countries across the Americas, Western and Eastern Europe. For the last 7 years, he managed a team of over 1000 professionals as Managing Partner – Advisory in Central and Eastern Europe, helping transform the business to achieve a turnover growth of 70% in very tough markets.

Having obtained rich international experience working in London, Madrid, Mexico City, Moscow and New York, providing M&A, private equity and business consultancy advice, Mark will be working with the lawyers at Hassans, providing a strong strategic perspective and practical guidance, to assist the firm in further developing its business in key international markets. The firm will also be offering Mark’s services to its clients on a case by case basis.

Mark Okes-Voysey commented:

“I’m delighted to be able to bring my skill set to Hassans. Hassans is an internationally recognised high quality practice which is able to market the benefits of Gibraltar as a jurisdiction, as well as being able to provide the best legal advice in its market, servicing client needs at all levels. I’m very much looking forward to helping them drive their business forward in their chosen markets and advising their clients where needed”.

James Levy CBE QC, Senior Partner at Hassans, added:

“We are extremely fortunate that Mark is in a position to advise us in line with our international strategy, his wealth of experience will be a great asset to both the firm and our clients”.

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