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Hassans ranked Band 1 in Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2022

Five of Hassans’ Partners have been ranked as Band 1 lawyers in this year’s Chambers High Net Worth (HNW) Guide launched today with the firm overall also receiving a Band 1 ranking.

The Chambers HNW Guide ranks the leading and most dedicated lawyers and law firms for international private wealth. On Hassans, clients stated, “Their commercial awareness is high and up to date. The team are aware of how our businesses operates and they aim to ensure that they provide a service which meets our needs” as well as remarking on the “deep breadth of the team”.

The Hassans’ lawyers ranked are James Levy CBE QC (“he is the best-connected lawyer in Europe”, “…is amazingly experienced and qualified in this area, I would add that he is very pragmatic and full of inventive ideas to solve issues”), Peter Montegriffo QC (“he’s a great lawyer”), Vikram Nagrani (“he is a highly professional individual who always provides a first class service”), Isaac Levy (“Isaac is highly sophisticated, commercially aware and a conscientious lawyer”, “He’s a super lawyer and great to deal with”) and Grahame Jackson (“Grahame Jackson has experience handling complex private client and taxation matters as well as domicile issues”).

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, commented:

“It’s fantastic to see our highly deserving Partners achieve these rankings and testimonials. The Band 1 overall ranking is testament to them all and also their wider teams. It’s hugely rewarding to receive such positive feedback on our service and we thank all our clients and contacts who took the time to provide references.”

The guide also recommends top accountancy firms, private banks, wealth managers, trust companies and other professional advisers to high net worth and ultra-high net worth Individual’s and clients, globally. The full rankings can be seen here.

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