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Episode 2: Futures Forward - how two Hassans' Associates are playing their part in creating a more sustainable future.

In this episode, Hassans’ resident podcast host Grahame Jackson speaks to two Hassans’ Associates, Tania Rahmany and Chris Buttigieg, and the part they are playing in the Futures Forward Academy. 

Futures Forward

is an initiative which is closely aligned to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and is led in Gibraltar by Professor Daniella Tilbury, HMGOG Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations.

With the aim being to engage younger professionals to deliver change (#Today 4 Tomorrow), this year’s project involves 9 Gibraltar based individuals, aged between 20 and 30 years, from across a broad range of specialisms. Each member is provided with a series of inspirational sessions delivered by international sustainability champions, as well as skills training and reflective workshops to facilitate them in developing their own leadership strategies. The FutureMakers or participants have identified a change they would like to see and which they feel passionately about, and where they feel they can make a tangible difference to a more sustainable future. The programme is funded by Kusuma Trust, Gibraltar.

This podcast explores the specific projects that the duo have selected and the change processes they are aiming to deliver. We also hear them reflect on how their involvement in the project has driven them to reconsider their approach to matters within their personal lives and how to engage and motivate communities to deliver change.

It's a great listen and can be accessed here.

The FutureMakers or participants have identified a change they would like to see and which they feel passionately about, and where they feel they can make a tangible difference to a more sustainable future.

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