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Covid-19: Where do we go from here?

With the cause of this latest virus strain a subject of heated debate, what is clear is that our species is susceptible to the like. Some commentators trace its basis as far back as the neolithic revolution and the transition of our ancestors from hunter-gatherer, nomadic tribes to more sedentary, agrarian lives of settlement and organisation. 

Whatever the reasons, the pandemic, and pandemonium (respectively fuelled by ease of travel and communication) are spreading. 

Whilst rightly efforts shall be primarily turned to seeking to prevent, contain and recover from this latest blight, it'll be interesting to note what lessons we learn regarding how different societies in our human family are affected and how we can better arrange and develop our lifestyles, processes, administrations and structures (including our legal systems) as part of our continuing evolution.

As always, some may seek to make capital (literally and/or figuratively) from change, but it is crucial that we holistically engage and address the fundamental issues that the spread of this virus flags, and not only seek to treat the symptoms, but also its underlying cause.

The new coronavirus (Covid-19) is spreading fast. More than 98,000 people are known to be infected and over 3,300 deaths have been recorded - including an elderly person in the UK who was diagnosed with the virus.  The bulk of cases and fatalities have been confined to China, but the virus is spreading internationally. What is a coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause disease in animals. Seven, including the new virus, have made the jump to humans, but most just cause cold-like symptoms.

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