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Women in Gibraltar under-represented in law

The Gibraltar Ministry for Justice has recently confirmed that there are now 59 women at the Bar. This number represents 24% of the total lawyers in Gibraltar.

At first glance this figure may seem disappointing. However, there is currently a 50/50 gender split of Gibraltarian students studying law. As such, the percentage of women practicing within Gibraltar will no doubt increase. This will unquestionably have a positive impact on the local legal sector.

Male and female perspectives can  differ slightly and receiving advice from both will benefit clients as well as advance the working environment within law firms.

Personally, I have benefitted from having female lecturers and mentors whilst studying as well as female partners and team leaders both during my time as a Paralegal in London and at Hassans in Gibraltar.

Hassans has a number of female Partners, Associates and Trainees. Notably Gillian Guzman QC (Partner at Hassans) was the first Gibraltarian female to be appointed a QC in Gibraltar.

I hope the numbers of women in law within Gibraltar will continue to grow. Having female role models within the sector has an undeniably positive effect on both female and male lawyers.

signs for the future are positive as there is a 50/50 gender split of students currently studying law

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