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| 1 minute read

From Medical Cannabis to Psychedelics

As the world of alternative medicine grows, with an ever increasing focus on medical cannabis, the thought to ponder is whether medical cannabis is just the tip of the iceberg. Given the compatibility of the cannabis plant with the human body, the arguments on its use are based on solid scientific backing. 

However, the world of psychedelics is still relatively unknown, and that is where the opportunity lies. As this article goes on to explain, psychedelics are being used to treat a variety of conditions including OCD and PTSD, opioid addiction, alcoholism, eating disorders, cluster headaches, and suicidal ideation.

What are your thoughts on the business of psychedelics?

Please feel free to get in touch if you have been involved in the business of medical cannabis or psychedelics.

“I view the next five years as an absolutely golden window. There’s an opportunity to use relatively small amounts of money to have billions of dollars of impact and to affect millions of lives” - Tim Ferriss

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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