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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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SG Gibraltar Standards of Excellence & Start-up Awards 2023 – Celebrating Triumph Beyond Adversity

We are hugely honoured to have been nominated in both the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Excellence and the Start-up & Business Ecosystem...

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Lexology In-Depth: Private Wealth and Private Client

We recently contributed to the Gibraltar section of Lexology' s In-Depth Private Wealth and Private Client guide which covers 25...

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CRS to be extended to crypto firms.

Crypto firms, including those based in Gibraltar, will imminently be subject to a Crypto Asset Reporting Framework very similar to the...

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S2/Ep2: ESG – A maturing space

Following recent news of upcoming regulatory changes in UK and the EU, Hassans' Grahame Jackson talks to the Managing Director of...

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Keeping It Civil: S2 / Ep1: Responding to an HMRC request for Information.

:In the first episode of the second series of Keeping It Civil, guest host, Hassans’ Tax Partner Grahame Jackson, talks to Harriet Brown...

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Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) Student Prize, Gibraltar.

Hassans International Law Firm Limited is very proud to be able to support the Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) Student Prize in Gibraltar...

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Defamation in the age of social media: A Gibraltar perspective.

The advent of social media has revolutionised the way humans interact. The dissemination of information is no longer limited to newspaper...

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Hassans welcome five new trainees to the firm.

Hassans is delighted to have welcomed five new trainees to the firm.  Alex Feetham begins his first training seat within the Litigation...

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London is awash with Hassans’ lawyers and other Gibraltar leaders this week to attend the annual series of Gibraltar Finance led...

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Changes to Hassans’ Financial Services Management Team

Following the appointment of Nigel Feetham KC, Hassans’ Head of Financial Services as Minster for Justice, Trade and Industry at HM...

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Lady Justice Simler- diversity champion becomes UK Supreme Court judge

The UK Supreme Court has today announced that a vacancy arising in the top judicial role in the country will be filled by a women, Lady...

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Nigel Feetham KC and Gemma Arias-Vasquez elected to Government in General Election 2023

During the General Election to the Gibraltar Parliament held on 12 October 2023, the GSLP Liberals led by the Rt Hon Fabian Picardo, KC,...

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Ignorance Isn’t Bliss for Bernie

The circumstances surrounding Bernie Ecclestone's guilty plea to fraud reinforce the importance of full and thorough analysis, advice and...

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The Road to Responsible AI

The buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) is hard to miss these days. Debates regarding AI chatbots, voice clones and deepfakes are...

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Football on the Rock – 10 years of UEFA membership.

As advisors to the Gibraltar Football Association (GFA), and avid advocates of football in Gibraltar at both grassroots and elite level,...

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AML/CFT/CPF Compliance

In the ever-evolving landscape of global finance, financial institutions stand as the pillars of economic stability and prosperity....

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WIN – Breaking Barriers in the Insurance Sector

It was fantastic to host this morning's Women's Insurance Network #Gibraltar "Breaking Barriers" workshop.The aim of the network is to...

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Hassans Environment Prize 2023 – Winners Announced

The final presentations by the shortlisted finalists competing to win up to £7,000 to bring their individual projects to fruition, were...

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Is Age Just a Number?

An interesting article suggesting there's life in this old(er) legal dog yet. Flippancy aside, it posits the question whether there are...

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New Fair Trading Act to streamline business licensing process

HM Government of Gibraltar announced earlier this month that the existing Fair Trading Act 2015 will be replaced with the The Fair...

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Best law firm shortlisting – Hedgeweek European Emerging Manager Awards 2023

We are thrilled to be keeping excellent company having been shortlisted for Service Provider: Best Law Firm – Fund Domicile in the...

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Koii obtains a VASP registration in Gibraltar

Hassans would like to extend warm congratulations to Koii TG Limited which has successfully registered with the Gibraltar Financial...

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Global M&A Guide 2023

We were honoured to be approached once again by Istanbul-based law firm Ergün Avukatlık Bürosu to contribute to the second in their...

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International Tax Bites

International Tax Bites is a podcast series exploring concepts and issues in international taxation.  Hosted by Hassans Partner Grahame...

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Hassans Environment Prize 2023 – Finalists Announced

Earlier this Summer, to mark World Environment Day 2023, Hassans International Law Firm Limited launched the Hassans Environment Prize...

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Gibraltar’s insurance sector over the past 25 years

Gibraltar's first business and finance magazine, Gibraltar International, is celebrating its 25 year anniversary this year and in their...

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Globix: Cross Border Insolvency

The Insolvency (Cross Border Insolvencies) Regulations 2014 (“the ICBIR”) provides an effective mechanism for dealing with cases of...

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Has Gibraltar dodged ‘a bullet’?

In the wake of Spain's regional and local elections in May this year, Pedro Sanchez called a snap election to be held in the middle of...

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Humanity and AI: A Constant Game of Catch-up

The simultaneous strike by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (Sag-Aftra) and the Writers Guild...

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Making a DAO Work

Blockchain technology allows people to share ideas, ownership, and records like never before. Amongst many exciting applications, these...

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