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Technology M&A Guide 2024

Partners Tim Garcia, Anthony Provasoli, Aaron Payas and Matthew Torres have contributed the Gibraltar chapter for the latest Chambers Technology M&A 2024 Guide.

Covering 19 jurisdictions, the guide provides the latest legal information on key market trends, early-stage and venture capital financing, liquidity events, spin-offs, acquisitions of public technology companies and business critical regulatory requirements.

The full guide can be accessed below, or click here to skip straight to the Gibraltar section. 

As cross-border technology deals are often very complex and involve different legal regimes and different cultures, we have organised this guide by country and asked each country’s contributor to address the same set of issues that a technol ogy company going through its lifespan faces – from incorporation and early funding, VC rounds, to the ultimate goal of being a public company or being sold at a high premium.

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